TASK: Create a healthy beverage brand.
SOLUTION: A unique post-workout beverage for athletes that take their training by the horns.
SOLUTION: A unique post-workout beverage for athletes that take their training by the horns.

Why Milk?
Cow milk and soy milk both naturally contain complete proteins, replenish macro and micro nutrients, and restore fluids after intense workouts.
Cow milk and soy milk both naturally contain complete proteins, replenish macro and micro nutrients, and restore fluids after intense workouts.
Local dairy is better for you, your community, and the environment. BY THE HORNS sources local dairy products to get the healthiest possible workout recovery.

BY THE HORNS is colorful, witty, and a bit goofy. The illustrated cows are menacing, yet fun. The typography is a unique style for both the milk aisle and the sports drink section.
BY THE HORNS is colorful, witty, and a bit goofy. The illustrated cows are menacing, yet fun. The typography is a unique style for both the milk aisle and the sports drink section.

The Line
BY THE HORNS produces both cow milk and soy milk for natural complete proteins. Each type of milk comes in regular, chocolate, and strawberry flavored.
BY THE HORNS produces both cow milk and soy milk for natural complete proteins. Each type of milk comes in regular, chocolate, and strawberry flavored.

A fresh take on a classic beverage.
A fresh take on a classic beverage.
The structure is the classic, nostalgic milk carton. It is easy to produce and holds the recommended 236mL serving size of milk.
The cartons are made of a strong, low-weight micro-fibrillated cellulose (MFC) that has taste neutrality and is widely recyclable.

Product Photography
The vision for the product photography was to bring the milk cartons into an athletic setting and to capture their energetic nature. The images are bright, saturated, and joyful.
The vision for the product photography was to bring the milk cartons into an athletic setting and to capture their energetic nature. The images are bright, saturated, and joyful.

Print Campaign
Product photos can be used along with brand language to create compelling print visuals, such as posters in sports arenas and sports magazine advertisements.
Product photos can be used along with brand language to create compelling print visuals, such as posters in sports arenas and sports magazine advertisements.

Social Media Campaign
Product photos can also be used to create engaging digital content that will accurately and briefly introduce current and potential consumers to what BY THE HORNS is all about.
Product photos can also be used to create engaging digital content that will accurately and briefly introduce current and potential consumers to what BY THE HORNS is all about.