TASK: Create a print advertising campaign for three of the seven sins.
SOLUTION: A breathtaking campaign for a conceptual golden perfume from Chanel called Aureate de Chanel.
SOLUTION: A breathtaking campaign for a conceptual golden perfume from Chanel called Aureate de Chanel.

Aureate de Chanel invites you to indulge in the sinful. As the collection is sinfully brilliant.
The Shots
King Midas drowns in his golden greed. Submerging into the consequence of his desires, a young King Midas stares blankly, still lustful for gold.

A prideful man boastfully poses among his treasures. His brow raises as he looks down upon the viewer. He regards himself as God's golden boy.

Finally, our gluttonous habits consume our gaze with a tempestuous sheen. Turning puffs of ash cloud our judgment.

Vogue Advertisements
Together, these high-fashion sins form a dreamy reality: one aureate scent.

NY Fashion Week Print Advertisements
Continuing the print campaign in Vogue to the streets of New York, this series of large-scale advertisements targets high-fashion folks at the peak of fashion season.

Behind the Scenes
The beauty of making a Chanel-worthy campaign on a college budget is that day-to-day spaces are crafted by budding artists into delectable, elegant scenes.

King Midas drowning in gold was shot in my bathtub on a $1 golden tablecloth. We covered our model in cheap golden paint and vegetable oil to create a glittering, whimsical environment.
In Kyra Allen's living room, we staged a smoking party scene by wiggling a $2 party backdrop in a long exposure. We called ourselves "the wiggle committee" and just out of frame we were moving the golden backdrop with fury.
On that same yellow backdrop, we made our model a prideful, golden-boy angel. A wire halo taped to the ceiling and a leftover faux-fur shawl from a play Kyra was in, outfitted our model.

It was a pleasure working with Kyra Allen and Celian Diaz. I am incredibly grateful for their combined excitement on this project. They each brought such magic to the set.