TASK: Design a motion graphic that explains a process, concept, or idea.

SOLUTION: A loud and absurd collage of moving, interactive imagery to symbolize the design thinking process.
Design thinking was chosen as the topic because I wanted to take the abstract set of steps that I use in my everyday life and visualize it in a way that kept a viewer on the edge of their seat as they tried to guess what was coming next.
Analysis of the film Design & Thinking was the basis of the concept of this motion collage. The film was eye-opening to how design thinking can be applied across mediums and practices.
I wanted the collage to feel as unpredictable as possible. Inspired by the design thinking ideation process, I gathered my assets before I formed my storyline. 
I grabbed old imagery that I found interesting from the Prelinger Archive and the British Library. Then developed my storyboard with whatever I had gathered. 
This backward process of gathering assets opened doors that I wouldn't have been able to access with just my own mind.​​​​​​​
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